TJSON Web Token JWTJSONRFC 7519JWTHeaderPayloadSignature. 1. json Copy code alg HS256 typ JWT 2. Payload Payloadclaims issIssuer subSubject audAudience expExpiration Time nbfNot Before iatIssued At jtiJWT ID Payload json Copy code sub 1234567890 name John Doe admin true 3. Signature SignatureHeaderPayload Signature scss Copy code HMACSHA256 base64UrlEncodeheader . base64UrlEncodepayload secret JWT Copy code
EyJhbST login Host example
com ContentType applicationjson username user password pass http Copy code HTTP1.1 200 OK ContentType applicationjson token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9… 2. JWT HTTPAuthorizationJWT http Copy code GET latvia phone number protectedresource Host Authorization Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cn in ASP.NET Web API. How Basic Authentication Works Basic Authentication works by adding an Authorization header to the HTTP request. This header includes the word Basic followed by a Base64encoded string containing the username and
password separated by
olon. The server decodes this string to extract the credentials and verifies them against a known list of users. Example Australia Phone Number Authorization Header makefile Copy codeYW1l is the Base64encoded string for the credentials Aladdin . Implementing Basic Authentication in ASP.NET Web API To implement Basic Authentication in ASP.NET Web API follow these steps 1. Create a Custom Authentication Filter Create a custom authentication filter by implementing the IAuthenticationFilter interface. This filter will intercept incoming requests and extract the Authorization header. against a database or another data source. If the cred 4. Secure Endpoints Secure specific endpoints or controllers by applying the Authorize attribute. This restricts access to authenticated users only. Example Implementation Heres a simplified example of how to implement Basic