Is it accessible both with and without www. If it is accessible, is there a 301 redirect to either one . If redirection is not possible. Does the self-referencing canonical point to a canonical URL. If canonical is not practical. Is crawl control performed in WMT. Normalization of index.html presence/absence Is index.html (index.php) accessible. If it is accessible, is there a 301 redirect to either one. If redirection is not possible, does the self-referencing canonical point to the canonical URL.
Normalization of mobile URL
Are the annotations performed correctly from the PC version to the mobile version. Specify PC version as canonical for mobile version. Search engines do not know which content is WhatsApp Number List the original content. And there is a risk that the ratings that should have been integrated may become scattered. The above three points are checkpoints corresponding to them. Please see the entry below for details. Search engines will not penalize you for using too many strong and em tags. Make it bold, depending on the site.
Internal link optimization
Header banner link optimization. Does the header banner link link to the TOP or a similar root page. Global menu optimization. Does it link to main ZNB Directory pages. Is it located on a page that requires navigation. Side column optimization . Does the navigation cover the global menu. Is it located on a page that requires navigation. Footer link optimization. Does the navigation cover other ROS links. Is it located on a page that requires navigation. Breadcrumb optimization Is the navigation easy for users to follow. It located on a page that requires navigation.Although the contribution to SEO is small. It is necessary to check from the viewpoint of accessibility and anti-spam measures.