Although eCommerce tends to be monothematic, that is, it generally sells products belonging to a single product category, it is favored by low direct competition. Marketplace-strategy-quote1 Back to index Types of marketplaces Before selling online, every business must choose the best marketplace that is consistent with its target audience and the type of product offered. Sometimes the best choice for a business is to avoid a large online marketplace, results or where shoppers typically go for a quick purchase. For example, if you own a jewelry business, you may benefit more from using a marketplace that brings together jewelry makers and artisans, rather than Amazon, where this type of product represents a smaller percentage of searches and sales.
This is one of the reasons why small businesses
Avoid larger marketplaces , both because of their excessive commissions and because the company is looking for a niche market that is closer to its business model. As far as product categorization is concerned, marketplaces can be divided into two main categories : Vertical Marketplaces : These are platforms that allow the trading of a single type of product, such as clothing marketplaces such as Zalando or Asos, or service whatsapp data marketplaces such as AirBnb, and so on. Horizontal marketplace : in this case, the platforms not only allow the trading of any type of goods, but also of services (Amazon, eBay, Alibaba).
Marketplaces are also distinguished by the operators
Who operate there :. Consumer to consumer (C2C): for buying and selling between private individuals Business to consumer (B2C): companies b2c fax offer . Products to . Users regardless of whether they are private . Individuals, professionals or. Companies. Business to. Business (b2b): dedicated to the exclusive . Exchange between .companies and. Professionals marketplace.-strategy-.quote2 back to index pros and cons of . Selling .online . Through . Marketplaces .choosing to .sell .through .this type of .platform will inevitably have positive aspect. But, like all things, also negative aspects that must be .taken into. Consideration .when you want to .sell your .products online.
The pros of selling on the marketplace
The biggest advantage of a marketplace is that the initial . Investment is lower than setting up a website and hiring all the services, tools and maintenance for an . eCommerce platform. For this reason, if your business is. Small or you are just enriching and launching your prospecting emails starting out, the marketplace . May be the best option for your needs. Did you know that the marketplace is a great place to practice your SEO (search engine optimization)? Check which keywords are used most by other sellers in your niche, and see which searches are performed most frequently and which work best (we suggest you read the article: How to Optimize Your SEO Strategy ).