What are the skills that these people must have


Phases of the addie model first. The id must analyze the training ne s of the target audience. What are the skills that these people must have following a training intervention? Analyzing also means investigating the starting state of the participants’ knowl ge in order to avoid explaining things that users already know or taking basic concepts for grant . I will then send surveys to participants to understand their level of graphic literacy. I will speak with a contact person or a human resources manager; i will observe the employees directly in the field. If i can. To understand as much as possible what they are able to do and what they don’t know.

In our example the id will collaborate


 Once the analysis phase. The email List famous a of the model ( addie ). Is complet . We move on to the design phase : clarifications are establish  on the objectives of the course and everything that will be ne   to achieve them. Including the materials (slides. E-learning modules. Practical demonstrations ) until you get to the final quizzes. In this phase the instructional designer often collaborates with an sme (subject matter expert) . I.e. An expert in the subject that must be taught. In our example the id will collaborate with a graphics expert.

This brings notable advantages


 Sometimes the figure of the id coincides with that of the ems. This brings notable advantages in terms of the spe  of the ZNB Directory process. In this phase (of design) the id must focus on the learning objectives . Avoiding slipping into the individual things that the user will actually ne  to know how to do. Continuing with our example; as an id i will have to draw up a clear learning objective . That is. After seeing the employees in action and understanding where they are position  (analysis) i will put in black and white where i ne  to lead them.

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