To stimulate interactions and receive

You want to delve deeper into the topic, we recommend reading this article: How to create empathetic content thanks to micro-data analysis . Respond sufficiency The time you can dedicate to each person who writes to you is directly proportional to the size of your community. A page with 200 thousand people will not be able to dedicate the same attention to everyone. But if there is one thing to always avoid, it is speaking hastily and superficially to someone who is offering you something precious: their trust. Require too much effort Have you noticed that the word follower does not appear in this article? Followers are people and, as mentioned earlier, they have limited time and little desire to solve the world’s problems on Instagram.

Mistakes to avoid to

For this reason, it is better to avoid an Netherlands Phone Number List excessively pushy mode of engagement and adopt methods that stress the community with questions that are too broad and difficult. On the contrary, it is preferable to use quizzes and slider polls that guide interactions and require less time investment on the part of the audience. With this, we do not mean that to create engagement it is sufficient to insert surveys and question boxes. It would be easy, maybe even nice, but spoiler: that’s not how you can create engagement.

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When we want to

The questions, requests and topics Saudi-Arabia Phone Number List discussed with the community must be relevant and easily understandable.  create engagement Mistakes to avoid to create engagement These two very important words, ease and understanding , lead us to know the FCS model to use interact with the community. How to ask effective questions with the FCS model The FCS model is useful for creating engagement and interacting with the community . Dialogue, listening and analysis are the essential pillars for establishing long-term relationships. Yet, neither asking questions nor using the right tools is in itself sufficient to create engagement. a larger response rate, you need to combine interaction tools with questions that are: Fast Costain Specific Let’s look at these aspects in detail.

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