A short guide to a successful abm strategy – what is account based marketing?

ABM. ABE. ABX. The acronyms are growing in number. But the terminology doesn’t matter. What matters is the possibility, thanks to these tactics that are slowly but surely developing, to improve the marketing practices of companies.

These practices aim to increase the ROI of marketing

Strategies by implementing tactics focused on an account-based approach. In this guide, composed of 4 parts, we will talk about Account advertising database Based Marketing practices, or ABM. We have analyzed the practices – and the lessons learned from them – of many players who have observed significant results thanks to the ABM tactics developed. This guide has therefore been written for B2B marketers.

Account-Based Marketing is characterized by a marketing

Sales approach to attacking strategic 6 reasons why you are not doing your b2b strategy well market segments that is highly personalized and highly selective. These market segments or groups of strategic accounts aim to generate real and sustainable opportunities for the company.

ABM is not, or not only:

  • A list of target accounts
  • A single campaign or tactic
  • A name for your existing programs

In a recent study

SiriusDecisions found that 62% of B2B cell phone number companies surveyed had an ABM strategy in place, up from 41% in 2016. Additionally, 91% of respondents said their average deal size was higher for ABM accounts than for non-ABM accounts.

These numbers are encouraging

Yet many marketers are struggling with their ABM strategy: according to a study by Scratch Marketing + Media, 75% of respondents consider themselves under-competent on ABM topics.


The funny thing is that the reasons that make ABM

Strategies so difficult to implement are precisely the reasons that make them so effective. It goes without saying that more precise targeting and closer collaboration between sales and the marketing department improve the effectiveness of marketing actions. But let’s be honest, collaboration between marketing and sales is not easy, as the objectives of each team differ so much. Also, changes in habits and ways of working push employees out of their comfort zone, and this is what makes this collaboration so difficult. It is only once this challenge is overcome that your ABM strategies will be able to take on their full meaning and bring concrete results.


Not convinced by ABM? Think twice

A study by Bizible showed that “marketers who do ABM are more likely to demonstrate better alignment with sales teams than marketers who don’t do ABM.”

Additionally, an ITSMA report shows that 84% of marketers who measure the ROI of their campaigns see better returns on ABM tactics than on others.

A study by Demandbase and Demand

Metric also notes based marketing that of the players who have implemented ABM strategies in the last 12 months, 60% report an increase in revenue of at least 10% while 19% report an increase in their pipeline of 30% or more.

 “When we first tried to deploy an ABM strategy

it took us a while to see the metrics of success. But once we had the intent-based actions in place and the ABM strategy KPIs aligned. With sales metrics, we were able to measure a significant impact on. The pipeline and collaboration between sales and marketing improved dramatically.”

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