How to create a buyer persona for your B2B sales and marketing activities

When it comes to sales and marketing, you want to reach as many people as possible, but spray-and-pray marketing rarely works. That’s why it makes sense to focus on a specific audience. So who are the people you want to reach? That’s where the buyer persona comes in.

What is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional character that south korea number data describes your ideal customer in detail. The description goes beyond “John, 34 years old, data specialist.” Instead, your buyer persona should provide a detailed profile that helps you understand and empathize with your customers.

To create such a vivid picture of your customers, you need to go beyond demographic information. Instead, put yourself in their shoes and try to understand what motivates them, what frustrations they have, and what everyday habits they engage in. This knowledge will give you a comprehensive picture of your company’s ideal customer, and experiment with your content and use sendpulse your sales and marketing team can build on it.

When your buyer persona visits a bar, who is that person? Did they arrive at 8 p.m. or around midnight? Do they stay on the phone all night or do they close the door behind them when they leave work? Are they with work colleagues or alone? If you can filter out your buyer persona from the crowd, you’ll know who to address your message to and who is probably not worth contacting.

Why a buyer persona?

With a buyer persona, you are forced to think outside the box: Who do you want to address? If you don’t know your target group and what afghanistan business directory challenges you can solve for them, then it’s difficult to influence the buying process.

However, if you understand your target audience’s goals, challenges, and fears, your marketing team will be able to create perfectly tailored content that will appeal to the reader on an emotional level. This information will also help determine which channels and when to publish your content.

It pays to target the right person with the right message at the right time. In fact, a unique persona can  increase sales inquiries by a whopping 124% .

With a clear buyer persona, you are also able to act more proactively and react quickly to trends and changes in the market. Are your customers quick to jump on new digital platforms like ClubHouse or do you value climate-friendly behavior? With a clearly defined buyer persona, you can recognize opportunities as soon as they arise and gain an edge over your competitors.

How to create a buyer persona

Now that we’ve clarified the need for a buyer persona, it’s time to get started. Here’s how to define your own buyer persona in five easy steps. 

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