Create a method from sales and offer valuable content to marketing

Why is Brand Trust important for companies?
61 % of consumers study online reviews before completing a purchase . With this data we can establish the premise that consumers look for reasons to trust a brand before. Investing money in its products or services.

According to Edelman’s studies on brand trust, we see some interesting data:

40 % admit that in 2021 they have stopped consuming products from brands they loved because they no longer trust them.
78 % say that the impact of the brand. On society is the reason why brand trust has become a decisive factor.
86 % of respondents expect brands to be involved in society beyond their products and businesses.
We are faced with increasingly critical consumers, with vast resources and tools to gather information about any brand. Brand trust not only allows us to meet user expectations, but also to differentiate ourselves from the competition . Brand trust can be the determining factor that makes. The consumer choose us over a competitor, just as. The lack of this trust can make us lose customers who stopped believing in their original supplier.


Valuable content has become almost mandatory for B2B

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That is why the alignment of the sales and marketing departments

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in the B2B world becomes essential at this point. Sales experience, analyzing the pain points of customers, will give us the keys necessary for the marketing team to produce interesting and relevant information . Thus, potential customers will consider your company as a source of information that solves their problems.


Table of Contents:

1. What is “valuable and specialized content” offered by the sales team to the marketing department in a B2B company?
2. Steps to follow to create a procedure from sales and introduce it to the marketing department in the B2B sector


1. What is “valuable and specialized content” offered by the sales team to the marketing department in a B2B company?

Nowadays we are constantly exposed to information

of all kinds and the Internet makes it easy for us to position ourselves as experts in almost any subject, which is why we have to be increasingly demanding with the content we publish and make a difference by providing value and usefulness .

It is also important not to be caught “out of our depth”, that is, to communicate with the audience through our content without making it seem like we want to sell our product or service, since that means losing credibility in the eyes of our followers.

The common case in a B2B company is that the sales department demands qualified leads that are close to the moment of purchase. Meanwhile, the marketing team insists on having relevant information from sales to create quality content that satisfies the different stages of the customer journey (TOFU/MOFU/BOFU).

If you still don’t know how to differentiate these terms…take a look at this post!

What is a sales funnel and how to create it

Therefore, valuable and specialized content for the marketing department will be anything that the sales team shares with them based on their commercial experience with the problems and needs of customers, since they have extensive experience identifying the pain points of potential customers.


New call to action


2. Steps to follow to create a procedure from sales and introduce it to the marketing department in the B2B sector

Considering the importance of the alignment between marketing and sales (Smarketing) to obtain qualified leads that become clients, it is necessary for the sales department to create a procedure that helps and supports marketing to create valuable content that satisfies the information needs of our potential clients.


Smarketing Strategy: What can I do angular and seo in corporate environments if marketing and sales do not have good communication?

The main keys are:
Divide our potential clients into clusters (whether by sectors, business lines, buyer personas, etc.).
Analyze the pain points and problems agb directory of each of these clusters on a monthly basis (one cluster each month).
Reflect and list a solution to your problem for each pain point.
Share this information with your marketing team so they can produce relevant content that addresses these pain points while providing solutions.

With this information it will be much easier

for Marketing to organize a content plan that provides value to our leads, since we will be responding to their questions and problems while offering them the solution.

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