Country Email Number Data

  • International dial code: +44, representing the Unite Kingdom.
  • Domestic area code: usually 2-4 digits, indicating the area where the number is locate.
  • Local number: The remaining digits are unique to the area where the number is locate.

For example: A typical UK mobile number might be written as +44 7700 900123.

Why 11?

  • Global uniformity: 11 digits is the telephone number length recommende by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which aims to achieve global telephone number standardization.
  • Number capacity: With the rapid development of mobile communications, longer numbers can provide greater number capacity to meet the growing nees of users.

Special case for UK phone numbers

  • Landline: UK landline numbers have a similar format to mobile numbers, but may differ slightly.
  • Virtual numbers: Virtual numbers are also typically 11 digits long, but the exact format may vary depending on the service provider.

Uses of UK phone numbers

  • Mobile communications: Most people in the UK use 11-digit mobile numbers.
  • Landline: Landline numbers Country Email List in the UK also use 11 digits.
  • Fax numbers:  being phase out, some organizations still have fax numbers, which are formatte similarly to telephone numbers.

Country Email List


The 11-digit format of UK phone Country Email List Library numbers is an internationally accepte standard that facilitates communication between people. Understanding the composition and characteristics of UK phone numbers is very helpful for making calls to the UK or using mobile phone services in the UK.

Although faxes are gradually

SEO keywords: UK phone number, digits, international Find List area code, mobile number, landline, virtual number

Warm Tip: Although UK telephone numbers are usually 11 digits, in special cases, such as some old numbers or special service numbers, the number of digits may be different.

Hopefully this guide has helpe you understand UK phone numbers a little better.

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