Even with the best iting software out there. being careful with the gain. Do you really ne a big expensive mic? to review different microphones at choice was the sE2200. Popular with musicians. this one is on the pricey side but produces fantastic audio. But do you really ne a mic like this?. budget. environment. and style of mic you want. While it’s great for audio quality. one downside to a big. heavy mic like this is that it’s hard to hide it out of your shot. If you don’t want a giant mic in front of your face on videos.
You might want to opt for a shotgun
Mic or lapel mic instead. That’s why when shopping for any microphone. you should consider your own nes and email list environment above all else. What works for one person won’t be a good fit for another. So. don’t feel like you ne a big expensive mic to make your videos great. Test out your mic before recording Before you go to record a once-in-a-lifetime event or conference only to realize you didn’t record audio. there’s a simple way to avoid this. Test out your audio before you hit record. Get to know what it sounds like. check everything’s working first. and then you won’t end up in a tricky position when you come to it.
If you are unfamiliar with your mic
Then it’s even more important to test it out first. You’ll want to know exactly how your microphone works in terms of settings before you ZNB Directory go recording anything important. Overall. the takeaway tip from this episode is to consider your own nes first. test everything out. and get to know your equipment well. For more audio tips. check out TechSmith Academy for more resources just like this. Add amazing audio to your videos! Audiate is the best audio iting software because it can clean up your audio recording. and even add effects to your voice.