With accessible and enlightening language.

With accessible and enlightening language. it gives a very good feeling. This means that. if a potential customer sees your content as a solution to a personal issue. they will no longer see you as a salesperson. but as a friend or authority. From then on. it’s as if you took him by the hand and l him. step by step. until his effective conversion into a consumer ! Tip: 5 mistakes that hinder your sales conversion and how to avoid them 10. Ann Handley Ann Handley“Make your customer the hero of your stories.

Digital Marketing analyst Knowing how to

With this phrase. Ann Handley invites us to rethink our approach to Digital Marketing. valuing the customer as the protagonist — the famous “value those who value you”! By making the customer the hero of your stories . you show that you recognize their importance. and most importantly: that you are new data willing to help them achieve their goals. And one of the best ways to do this is. in fact. by telling good stories — they connect us on an emotional level because they can captivate. engage and inspire.

To know the qualities that companies look for in a

Shama Hyder Aaron Agius“If you continue to focus on what is measurable and not what is relevant . your brand will suffer.” This phrase is a warning not to fall into the trap of “ vanity metrics ” — numbers that may seem ZNB Directory impressive at first glance. such as likes on social mia. but which are not exactly an indication of the relevance of your message and the impact it causes.

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