Marketing.Based on these factors, rfm analysis classifies customers into the following four types:・good customers・prospective demographic・new . Demographic・ defectives for example, if a customer’s purchase amount is high but there is no . Sign of a recent purchase, it may be that the customer is being taken away . By another company or service. If there are customers who are classified as churners for . This reason, you will be able to identify the cause and take the next step, . Such as shifting your approach to new or potential customers.
Improve Customer Experience with SMS Marketing Campaigns
Decile analysisDecile is a latin word . Meaning Ten equal parts. in decile analysis, customers are classified into groups in order of . Their contribution to sales, and the characteristics of each group are identified.For example, if you . Are targeting , customers, create groups of people each in order of the amount of . Purchases they make.The basic procedure is to then use the total amount for each group . To analyze the percentage of total sales and the contribution of each group to the .
Maximize the Impact of SMS Marketing Campaigns
Total.However, with decile analysis, customers who Have high purchase amounts but have not made any . Transactions recently are included in the top group, so the top group is not necessarily . A good demographic. For this reason, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with . Rfm analysis, which allows you to read the time axis.Segmentation analysisSegmentation analysis is an analytical . Method that segments (subdivides) customers bahamas phone number list based on their attributes, needs, purchase history, etc., and identifies . Commonalities among existing customers. Items are set according to the information you want to know, .
Use SMS Marketing Campaigns to Target Loyal Customers
And in some cases you may segment by age, place of residence, gender, etc., and . In other cases you may group by occupation, annual income, place of employment, etc.In this . Way, a major feature of segmentation analysis is that it uses subscribers can decide whether or not they want data other than purchase-related . Data as grouping criteria. By grouping customers with high similarities, it becomes clear what kind . Of targets should be targeted as new customers.In addition, by identifying common traits among customers . Who make large cumulative purchases, you may be able to find out what products or .
Incorporate Dynamic Content in SMS Marketing Campaigns
Measures are producing results.Behavioral trend analysisBehavioral trend analysis is an analytical method that focuses on . Differences in sales depending on the season. For example, the purpose is to analyze seasonal . Characteristics such cmo email list as Customers who have something in common tend to use the service more . In the winter or Family households are more likely to use the service during golden . Week than single households.The analysis results are useful for determining the timing of campaigns, the . Priority of follow-up, etc. It is not very suitable for products and services whose sales .