User scenarios have something in . Common with user stories in that they are written from the user’s perspective. However, the . Difference is that user scenarios are used to find small improvements to a product based . On the user’s situation, while user stories are used solely to define the necessity of . A feature.Steps for creating user scenariosnow that you understand the basic meaning of user scenario . And the difference between similar terms, let’s actually create one. We will explain the specific .
Steps to create one. Advance preparationto create a user scenario, you first need to define
A specific persona. A persona is a clear image of the target user of your . Company’s products or services, and includes detailed information such as age, area of residence, occupation, . Annual income, hobbies, lifestyle, and family structure.Once you have defined your persona, you then determine . What situation they bahamas phone number list are currently in and what goal they will use your company’s products . Or services to achieve. By clarifying the user’s starting point and goal, you can establish .
The framework for a user scenario
Write out the behavioral processonce you have set the user’s . Start and goal, carefully write down the process in between. List as many user behavioral . Processes as you can think of (gathering information, comparing with are you missing an integration? get in touch with us! other companies, making a reservation, . Etc.).Export advanced actionsnext, identify what actions should be taken for each user’s behavioral process. For . Example, if you dig deeper into the process a user takes to make a restaurant . Reservation, you can categorize it into the following actions:user details action classification・narrow down the store .
Conditions: narrow down the area, narrow down the genre
compare restaurants that cmo email list meet your criteria: compare . By budget and service content, bookmark restaurants you like, compare restaurants you like with each . Other, check reviews, and narrow down the restaurants you want to reserve.・make reservations at restaurants . You’re interested in: check your schedule and the restaurant’s reservation statusfind out what users are . Thinkingonce we have a grasp of the detailed actions, we then clarify what the user . Is thinking and wanting for each individual action.