Sales techniques that will ensure you a 33% commercial success rate

The differences between B2B and B2C sales come from one key aspect: the type of customer. The acronym B2C comes from the expression “Business to Consumer” , which translated into Spanish means “ company to consumer ” . Therefore, it is the type of customer that determines the characteristics of these sales.

The main differences are:

The B2B client is a legal entity and in B2C sales the client is a natural person .
The B2B seller requires a higher profile , in some cases with mastery of several languages, extensive technical knowledge and experience in negotiation.
In B2B sales, the time taken to analyze the proposal is longer, as is the time invested by the seller .
B2B sales seek a long-term relationship that guarantees a constant supply and meeting delivery deadlines. In the case of B2C sales, this need does not exist and represents a lower risk.
A B2B salesperson should aim to get into the potential client’s budget planning. Budget allocation for B2C clients is less rigorous.
Trust is important in any type of sale, but in the case of B2B sales it is key, because sometimes it involves sensitive and confidential customer information .
The return on investment (ROI) in B2B sales is generally higher than in B2C sales.
attract b2b customers
If you want to know more: Digital transformation plan: pending tasks for marketing and sales in the B2B sector for 2021.

What is a sales success rate and how to calculate it?

Databases that the advertiser managed to collect on permissioned sites (the database there is high-quality or volume, you can earn leads)for your business promotion and for increasing sales.Our data is human beings gathered data due to which b2b email list we are having 100% accuracy in our database. Our aim is to provide you by the best full correct database intend your business into higher.

The versatility of this KPI makes it very useful

b2b email list

when calculating different data about your company’s sales team. It will also be useful for comparing data between different sales techniques or methods and knowing which ones are more efficient and which ones obtain the best results.

6 Metrics That Demonstrate Your Marketing Results

3. Sales techniques to increase your sales success rateFrom a traditional point of view , it has always been the company’s salesperson who has gone after potential customers to try to sell them a product or service. There are numerous studies that show that this type of sales techniques are not at all effective when it comes to achieving good results. Faced with this situation, in recent years different less intrusive sales techniques have emerged that could ensure a commercial success rate higher than 33%.

3.1 Outbound vs. inbound sales techniques

Within your B2B strategy, you will need to define what types of processes you want to carry out to have one relationship or another with your leads. There are two basic types of processes that are defined as a sales route through different stages to reach the same commercial objective. These are inbound and outbound processes.

Outbound : These are the most traditional processes that attempt to attract customers in a direct and unidirectional manner . A clear example would be traditional advertising.
Inbound: Unlike the previous processes, these are based on attracting potential clients who are at the beginning of the search process. These are strategies that are 100% linked to marketing and are designed based on the interests or needs that our target clients may have.
Although they may seem to be opposite processes, there is no conflict between them when it comes to making a sales plan. In fact, a set of sales actions that take both options into account will be much more effective . Thus, one way to ensure great success in sales is to give an inbound focus to the most disruptive strategies, making them more attractive and satisfying for the customer.


3.2 The key to success lead nurturing


If you are planning to adopt inbound tactics in your business as a method to capture more leads, having a lead nurturing strategy will be key to its operation.

As you may know, a lead is a user who has left their personal data on our website through a form, although it can also be done in a more traditional way with paper and pen.

Lead nurturing consists national re: platform for calculating insurance premiums of maturing this relationship to obtain new business opportunities or retain existing customers, with a goal in mind, which is usually the sale of a product or service. In other words, it is the link between the marketing and sales teams , which join forces to complete aleart news the conversion funnel and increase the sales rate.

New call to action

4. Complementary sales techniques: Up Selling and Cross Selling
Through inbound and lead nurturing we will attract new clients to our business with a success rate higher than other traditional methods. In addition, we can complement them with other sales techniques that will ensure new income from our current clients, reaching a success rate of 33%.

Focusing on the customer is the main strategy to achieve

this increase in our sales success. In addition, we can use other complementary strategies such as Up Selling and Cross Selling.

Consists of offering something additional or an improvement to the product already purchased, which makes the initial purchase more expensive but provides an improvement or optimization to the main product.

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