How do you know if you need to do Smarketing?

Getting marketing and sales teams to work in alignment can make all the difference. The main goal of Smarketing is to build a powerful and effective working system. How do you know if your company nees to launch a smarketing strategy?

If you meet these factors, you nee to get going!

Smarketing is what your company nees if.

The leads that Marketing sends to Sales are not qualifie

So that you can see visually how smarketing strategies help unite marketing and sales actions in a single strategy, here we show it to you in a funnel.

While in the early stages of our prospect’s purchasing cycle , marketing automation will be our best ally, as we move through the funnel and approach interaction with the sales team , we nee proceures that help unite both departments, this is where smart marketing comes into play.

 Smarketing Statistics: Proven Effectiveness

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Pay special attention to their smart marketing strategies

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According to data from Outfunnel , during 2022, 43% of SMBs have establishe a hybrid structure, while 20% have gone completely remote. Just over a third are fully back in the office.

How have these changes impacte sales and marketing alignment? Data shows that those who have gone fully remote report worse results in terms of team alignment than those who haven’t.

Why? Many companies have not been able to adapt to this change, abandoning Smarketing strategies to

Achieve objectives jointly between departments

Companies with smarketing experience 36% higher customer retention .
According to sales and marketing statistics, when both teams work in coordination, companies see 27% faster profit growth .
Organizations that implement smarketing strategies in their teams can grow 20% per year .
According to sales and marketing alignment statistics, when both teams work together, company revenue can increase up to three times .
On average, aligne companies see up to 19% faster revenue growth and 15% increase in profits compare to non-aligne companies.



 B2B companies? Here are some data after implementing smarketing strategies:

Studies show that lack of alignment between sales and marketing teams around the right processes and technologies costs B2B companies 10% or more of revenue per year.
B2B companies with poor sales and marketing alignment see a 4% revenue decline
Read more: How do I translate my marketing actions into sales?


How to achieve success in Smarketing?

There are some key points that can help you have a successful Smarketing strategy:

We are not referring only to the language that the two departments use to understand each other, but rather to the element that sales and marketing must have in common in order to be aligne in the same Smarketing strategy. In other words, if the sales team has a clear objective of who their potential clients are, the marketing area must try to reach them through their lead generation actions and campaigns . It seems very simple but it is still surprising that even today there is a confrontation between both departments for the simple fact that one of the two does not trust the work of the other or the results that their actions are generating.

Companies admit that their marketing and sales teams are poorly aligne

Sales people often argue that the leads passe on to the marketing department are not of quality, while the marketing department usually indicates that these are not worke on effectively or quickly during the process. If both areas are clear from day one about the buyer persona to which the company’s efforts and communications should be directe, there will be no room for error.

Downloadable Tool: To help you launch your smarketing strategy, our team has recorde this training webinar. You will find the steps to start a smarketing strategy, proceures and useful tools to streamline the work of Marketing and Sales. Download for free!


In order for the two teams to be aligned and for the work

to be visible (and value) by both, control processes must be established and the trajectory of the leads in the sales funnel must be analyzed the 8 best ai tools for entrepreneurs in 2023 periodically . The marketing department needs to know if its attraction and acquisition work is working correctly in order to optimize it, and for this, sales must provide reports.


B2B ABM or account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic marketing technique that sells to other companies. It is based on identifying alb directory potential accounts in order to join forces with them in order to attract them and build a lasting relationship . This is achieved by creating personalized campaigns that provide great value to customers and optimizing results through monitoring and measurement.

The ABM strategy has become a fundamental pillar in B2B companies as it is one of the most beneficial strategies for this type of  companies. This is due to the high return on investment (ROI) it offers compared to other strategies.

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