What is Smarketing and what are its benefits?

The key to an effective Smarketing strategy is to correctly categorize the leads obtained through marketing actions. This can be seen very clearly in the purchase cycle of a lead. To do this, both areas must develop (and visualize!) a sales funnel .

Let’s say we have a visitor to our website who loves the content on our blog. They fill out one of our forms and we get the lead. Does this mean sales can start working on them? The answer is no.

In order for sales to be able to take the lead

in an advanced stage of the funnel, marketing must have defined with them who is considered an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) for the company . It is no longer just a lead, but we have more information about it and it has shown some interest in our content, products or resources. The next step, when the MQL has been verified by the sales team, is the SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) , a user who is ready for sales and can become an Opportunity and future Client. It is simply a matter of organizing the leads obtained from digital.

key KPIs in an Inbound Marketing strategy

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Tools integration and software

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For companies, regardless of their size, it is very important to define which processes must be followed as well as the tools to be used for this. Clarity, transparency and shared objectives are the basis for the success of any Smarketing strategy.

Unifying the software used by both departments

should become mandatory for B2B companies that want to invest in smart marketing. For example, HubSpot allows both areas to carry out their actions in an aligned manner and in the same workspace. The marketing department can launch content (blog articles, email marketing, social media, etc.) and the sales team can work on each contact through HubSpot’s CRM .

Keep reading:  Aligned marketing and sales plan: how to achieve it + examples

Smarketing: balance in marketing automation processes

Getting two teams aligned and working towards the same goal is not easy. However, it is an issue that all companies must consider in the short term to improve their sales process and increase the number of customers . To do this, it will be very important to take into account some tips to align marketing and sales:

1. Content should lead to sales , not just serve to build brand image. If you’re not generating sales with the actions your marketing department is taking, something isn’t working as it should.

2. Strategically feed your leads in their different categories through different content and channels . Not all content should be identical for each buyer persona, nor do users consume the same information channels to meet their needs.

3. Define the criteria for MQL and SQL . In the end, having an optimized funnel will make both departments work better and avoid friction. Reaching a user when it really is a clear sales opportunity will be satisfying for everyone!

4. Create an SLA between marketing and sales . To align the expectations of both areas, an SLA ( Service Level Agreement ) is often created, i.e. a contract between the marketing and sales departments where the expected service level of the provider is defined. From marketing to sales, it could be the number and quality of leads expected to achieve revenue goals. From sales to marketing, a good example would be the response time to handle each lead.

What if marketing and sales don’t communicate well? How do I fix this?

4. Benefits of Smarketing for your B2B company
Once the main aspects of Smarketing have been detailed, we could conclude that the benefits of its application have to do with:

Less time wasted filtering contacts through uncategorized pipelines .
Sales funnel generation and acceleration .
Visibility into the impact of marketing actions and the possibility of measuring ROI .
Efficient use of both departments and equipment involved.
Collaborative relationship between marketing and sales .
Direct impact on the company’s revenue objectives .
As an example of successful B2B companies after implementing a Smarketing strategy, we have Prime Biopolymers.

They decided to work with the Connext team as an extension of their own Marketing and Sales department . They were looking for experience in the sector, a guide that would help them design and implement a powerful and effective digital marketing strategy, focused on capturing more and better business opportunities.

The great work carried out by both departments resulted in great benefits for the company at a business level . Results for Marketing and Sales thanks to their joint Smarketing strategy in combination with other strategies such as Inbound Marketing for the Marketing part or Social Selling for the sales team.

5. Smarketing strategy, tips and recommendations
It is not just about establishing a smart marketing strategy, but also about having clear keys to ensure that this communication continues to exist in harmony.

Hold weekly meetings with the sales and marketing department
Of all the important things to keep in mind, this is one of the most important.

The weekly meetings will serve to present ideas, discuss them, reach an agreement and see the status of the actions that both departments are carrying out.

The two departments must have fluid communication

Both the marketing and sales departments must know all the processes, concepts, tools, actions and qualifications of each area.

The key is very clear: the actions of both teams have to align to achieve the best results.

Use joint tools
It is very important for a company to define the processes to follow, as well as the tools to use for those processes, regardless of the size of the company.

The basis for success is to be clear, transparent and to have shared objectives. To achieve this, unifying the software that both teams work with must be mandatory for companies in the industrial sector that want to adopt a smart marketing strategy.

HubSpot, for example, allows what is smarketing and what are its benefits?both  departments to work together in a single workspace.

The marketing area can create content (blog articles, email marketing, social networks, etc.) and the sales department can work on each contact through the HubSpot CRM .

Categorize the leads
The marketing team must have clearly defined agb directory with the sales department which lead is considered MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead), so that sales can take the lead at an advanced stage of the sales funnel. This user has shown interest in our products or services.

Once we have verified that MQL contact by the sales

team, the SQL is now the user who is ready for sales and can become our future client. This means that we have to organize the leads that are obtained digitally.

Now that you know you can align your company’s marketing and sales departments and get the most out of a smarketing strategy , what are you waiting for to get it up and running?

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