Place your online store on the digital Champs Élysées with these 10 SEO tips

Imagine this: you want to open a brand new store, ready to outshine all your competitors. Do you do it in the middle of a dark forest, only accessible by a days-long trek along a narrow mud path, or would you rather choose a busy shopping street?

I hope we can agree that option two has a better chance of success. Online it is no different. A state of the art webshop is not enough. People have to be able to find you! And that is where SEO comes in.

Why these SEO tips for your online store?

SE-what? SEO, search engine optimization. In other words: optimizing your webshop so that it appears as high as possible in the search results of Google and other search engines. In practice, often not so easy, but we are happy to help. We have collected Metroexplainer is providing you such a quality and accurate cellphone number list database which makes it so easy to access your target market. We will, after all is said america cell phone number list and done do absolutely everything that we can. To drive your business for in a world with no errors within your database. We also update our database every week. These are our volume high quality databases from woich list websites. 10 SEO tips for your webshop that you can get started with!


Tip 1: Start with keyword research

Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. When they search for what you offer, what do they type into Google? That is a keyword and you want to discover that keyword and use it on your webshop.

You can use multiple keywords, but don’t overdo it. Google likes relevant pages. The more your page focuses on a specific search term, the higher that page will appear when someone searches for it.

Discover new keywords through keyword research . Such research can consist of several steps:

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Think for yourself. If you were a customer of your own company, what words would you type into Google to find your products?
Use your own data. If your website is linked to a Google Analytics account, you can see via Analytics which search terms people used to find your website. You can then improve your position for those search terms by investing in your SEO in the long term. This case of an SME from Antwerp perfectly describes what such a long-term trajectory looks like.
Use tools. SEMrush , Google Trends and Google Ads Keyword Planner are great for discovering relevant keywords.
With all these techniques, it is best to keep in mind that broad, frequently searched terms often come with fiercer competition. Finding a balance between competition and search volume is therefore the message.

Keep reading, because nine more SEO tips for your online store are coming!


  Work on your meta titles and descriptions

It used to be more important than it is now, but Google still looks at your meta titles and descriptions. These are the titles and descriptions that your pages get when they appear in search engine results. So fill them in well and incorporate keywords where possible.


SEO plugins like Yoast make it easy to customize meta titles and descriptions within WordPress websites and WooCommerce stores
Pro tip: A meta title that starts with a keyword performs better. (See tips 11, 12, and 13 in this article .)


  Create good product descriptions

A nice description of your products is not only good for convincing your customers, it is also important for Google.

A strong description contains other interesting features of the product besides the price. Think about this from the perspective of the customer.

Where possible, you can include keywords, but don’t overdo it, or the text may seem unnatural! No one likes to read ‘Our black wool sweaters are the softest black wool sweaters. Our black wool sweaters are made from alpaca wool.’ Instead, try something like ‘Our black wool sweaters are made from alpaca wool and feel wonderfully soft.’


Tip 4: Avoid copied content
Filling in product descriptions can sometimes seem like an impossible task. The temptation is therefore great to put the same text on multiple products or to copy the description of the manufacturer.

However, you better not do that. It confuses Google and that is bad for your ranking. So roll up your sleeves.


Reading tip:  Starting a webshop as a side job: 11 things you absolutely need to know to be successful


Tip 5: Use your keyword in H1 titles
Easy, important, but too often forgotten. Add your keyword to your H1 titles . This tells search engines that your page is super relevant to people searching for that keyword.

For example, the article you are currently reading has the keyword ‘webshop SEO tips’. That is why those words appear in the title (H1) of this page.


The page title (circled in red) is automatically given the status ‘H1’ within a WordPress website
You may notice that the keywords are not directly next to each other in the title: ‘Place your webshop on the digital Champs Élysées with these 10 SEO tips ‘. Is that bad? A little, but it is not a disaster. In an ideal world, all parts of a search term are indeed next to each other. But don’t forget that you are not writing your website just for search engines: your human readers should also enjoy visiting your site. An easily readable title is a primary reason for those human visitors to click open your page and view it.


Tip 6: Provide a good URL structure
The URL is one of the factors that tells Google what the page is about. Best practice is to make it short, concise and descriptive. Where possible, you can add a keyword again. SEMrush gives a clear example in this article :

Instead, try something like See how much more user-friendly that is?’
Again, I can refer to the article you are currently reading. Do you see the URL? It is


In a WordPress website, you can change the URL of your page in the ‘Permalink’ section by clicking ‘Edit’
Tip 7: Optimize the alt text of your images

All images on your website can theoretically contain alt text. If you add them.

The alt text tells search engines what is in the image. Make this text clear, descriptive and provide a keyword where possible.

This is not only important for Google. Visually impaired people with a screen reader also use alt texts to understand the content of your website.


Enter alt text in the box circled in red when uploading an image to your WordPress website or WooCommerce store
Tip 8: Check your webshop for broken links
Broken links are hyperlinks or references on your website that do not (anymore) work. When a visitor clicks on such a link, he gets an error message. That is confusing and annoying, also for Google.

Manually checking all your links? We don’t want to do that to country wise email marketing list library anyone! Luckily, there are programs like SEMrush that can help you with this.


  Improve loading speed

Website visitors expect a fast website. Long loading times are out of the question.

Fast loading times make for a pleasant user experience and that’s something Google takes into account.

There are a few things you can do to improve the speed of your webshop:

Reduce the size of images. Don’t give images more megabytes than necessary. I personally try to keep an image under 200 KB. Trust me, you rarely need to have 3 MB images on your site!
Choose good website hosting. Fast, reliable website hosting is crucial for increasing your website speed. For a WordPress website and WooCommerce webshop, I recommend dedicated WordPress hosting .
Set up caching. A cache takes the data processed by a website, webshop or app and stores it for later use. This way, a device does not have to download all the elements of the page again with every visit, which ensures a faster user experience .
Remove plugins that you don’t use. Plugins slow down a america email webshop. If you no longer use a certain plugin within your shop, remove it. This way you guarantee a fast site.
Companies like WPorters , who offer dedicated WordPress hosting, are a great asset to your WooCommerce store
Tip 10: Add new content regularly
We all prefer to look at a shop window full of the latest models, not one with cobwebs hanging in it. Google also looks at your website and prefers recently posted content . So keep your website alive with new blogs, products and promotions.


Also read:  Creating a content plan in nine (almost) simple steps


Hundreds of SEO tips for your online store
Although SEO ranking is determined by a combination of hundreds of factors , you can already get started with these tips. This is how you move your webshop from the mud path to a busy shopping street, to once again tie in with our beloved metaphor.

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