Do you know everything about ROI? Learn how to calculate it

Once we have been able to establish and identify the objectives and key elements, we are ready to calculate the return on investment, for which everything  everything  we use a formula that is usually expressed as a percentage .

ROI formula connext

Thus, thanks to this formula we are able to everything  know and interpret some important factors for the company, from knowing the ROI of a specific action, the total return of the campaign or even the general profitability of the company as a whole.

Calculating ROI in SEO is as important as it is complex to interpret, since the results are usually visible in the long term . In order to carry out this everything  procedure, we will need to know the total expenses that the campaign has entailed and obtain the number of organic users who have accessed your website, fulfilling the stated objective , to later translate them into economic figures and apply the formula. This organic measurement process can be carried out thanks to tools such as Google Analytics.


If you want to know more about B2B SEO, take a look at some of our blog posts:

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ROI in Email Marketing

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As experts in the sector, at Connext we are at your disposal to talk about this and many other tools, answer your questions and teach you how to take your business to the next level.

ROI on Social Media

In the case of Social Networks, the ROI calculation depends on the total amount of expenses involved in maintaining these and the measurement of the traffic and conversion that these visits generate on each of your company’s networks. As you can imagine by now, Google Analytics also offers you the possibility of obtaining this data.

Sometimes due to the use that each company

makes of these social platforms or to its own business nature, the networks do not generate sales or leads directly, with the usual objective being to improve the image or brand positioning . In this case, and as we explained previously, you must establish a series of KPIs that help you compare the situation of the company before and after the campaign.


In conclusion, we can say that calculating ROI is essential in the process of any marketing campaign, as it allows us to know the profitability and justify the economic investment made in a numerical and objective way, as well as providing us with a strategic vision that allows us to make short and long-term decisions.

 Most common mistakes in the digitalization of companies

Improvising can be fun when it comes to a trip, a plan with friends, or life itself… But it is not so much when it comes to your company’s sales strategy. Any mistake or non-optimized plan can have fatal consequences . What are the mistakes you should avoid when formulating your digital transformation plan?

The action-reaction strategy .The RAE defines strategy

” as: “A regulated process, a set of rules that seek an optimal decision at all times.” It is essential to have a clear and measurable objective and, based on this, develop an action plan or Roadmap that guides each small decision to achieve this objective. If you only dedicate yourself to reacting in case of crisis, you will hardly be able to achieve your objectives, because you will exhaust all your resources weathering the storm.If you don’t know how to start, I recommend downloading this webinar: How to set your objectives and meet them with a Marketing strategy

Lack of initiative for change . It is necessary to have a person who leads this digital transformation plan and is responsible for score with your video marketing! ensure a good tension arc … transmitting the culture of change to the rest of the colleagues. Likewise, he or she must be able to accept proposals from each of the agents involved.

Failure to prioritize  Sometimes

company aleart news management decides to tackle each and every phase of the Plan at the same time. It is impossible to focus on developing each step well if resources are divided between several projects.
Setting up a digital transformation plan and obtaining successful results is not a simple process. It requires experience, knowledge of the sector and of the Marketing and Sales strategies that can achieve the objectives of each business.


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