Calculating ROI is a fundamental factor in the life

There are many aspects to take into account, which is why companies like Cryospain do not hesitate to count on the help of our B2B specialist team Calculating  to bring their digital transformation to all their departments.

Pierre Meurgey Marketing and Sales Director

at Cryospain tells you about his transformation experience and results:


These are some of the most effective strategies for generating results in Marketing and Sales teams. Study them in depth through the resources we have included in this article.

Once you know them well, assess your needs and identify measurable objectives. Choose your project KPIs and include all this information in your digital transformation plan.

Below we will show you the trends that the B2B sector

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When carrying out an Inbound Marketing strategy

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it is essential to analyse the actions we are carrying out, as it will be thanks to this monitoring process that we will be able to discover, among other things, to what extent our investment in a campaign is being profitable for our company . It is at this point that we must talk about the concept of ROI (Return On Investment), without a doubt the most widespread formula to be able to know said profitability, which will later be useful to be able to modify our campaigns and continue directing them on the path towards achieving our objectives.

Before we startind out what we’ll explain in our article in the following video

ROI is an indicator or formula that companies calculate to determine whether they have lost or gained money from their investments , that is, the result obtained after the investment. In this way, companies can be aware of which campaigns are optimal to continue investing in, which are not, or what small changes they should make to make them work correctly. The calculation of this tool turns out to be simpler if we choose to carry out specific marketing campaigns .



of a campaign due to the main and intrinsic objective that marketing has by nature: the generation of sales and profits.
Therefore, calculating the return obtained for each euro invested in an action is essential . Knowing what decisions to make in the future regarding your marketing actions, where to direct a campaign, knowing if it is being successful or even planning new objectives based on the results yielded by the calculation of this indicator, are some of the benefits that ROI brings to the strategic and financial vision of your company.

However, not all campaigns are the same, so it is important to know and establish which elements or indicators will help you in the calculation and interpretation of their measurement .

This series of indicators will serve as a guide to start your measurement process, which will later lead you to discover the ROI of your set of investments and thus know whether the campaigns are profitable or not.



When calculating the ROI of a marketing campaign, it is necessary to consider a series of elements that we develop below:

It is always necessary to establish the objectives of a campaign, in order to know if it is going in the right direction or, for some reason, is not meeting the expected results. Among the most common objectives we highlight:

This is one of the most important objectives. Companies often decide to invest in campaigns whose main objective is the sale of the product or service in question.

Brand building or Branding
These campaigns are established with the aim of creating, maintaining, modifying or improving the positioning or image of a brand in the collective imagination of users.

In this type of campaign, the intention of the companies is for the user to carry out a specific action on their website, usually filling out a form. This type of campaign does not have a monetary value per se , but there are methods for its subsequent calculation.

If you want to know more about lead generation, check out this blog post:

Lead Generation: How to Get Quality Leads and Convert Them into Customers

3.2. KPIs
KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are metrics that indicate the performance of a specific objective and allow us to evaluate whether it is being met or not. It is very important to assign different KPIs to each objective before launching the campaign.


Another essential element to obtain our ROI in a digital marketing campaign is the budget, differentiating three concepts that comprise it.

Human Expenditure . Composed of the total investment we have made in a campaign in terms of personnel and management .

Material Expenditure . This includes all expenditure on materials, equipment, tools or work spaces that have been necessary to carry out the campaign.

Investment . Sometimes, it is also necessary to make some extra investment for certain types of campaigns, such as the acquisition of a CRM service, monitoring tools or even paid campaigns .


It is essential to know the total revenue generated by a campaign in order to calculate its profitability. Revenue is the monetary indicator these beautiful web animations strengthen your brand that will determine the quality of the ROI and that is why we must know how revenue is calculated for each type of objective.

If we have carried out a sales campaign

we aleart news will only need to know the income that these transactions have generated for us during the period to be analyzed.

In branding campaigns, a monetary calculation cannot be made, due to the intangible nature of the campaign. Its calculation goes through another way, where through the determination of various KPIs (web traffic, Google searches, etc.) and the comparison with the results before and after the campaign, we can know the profitability and success of the campaign.

On the other hand, in those campaigns with the objective of leads , we must count the number of contacts obtained and relate them to the cost of the campaign in question .

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