Are you only relying on traditional marketing? Improve your results with digital marketing

1. Traditional marketing vs digital marketing

By traditional marketing , we mean offline marketing, that is, communication with your customers through more conventional channels of action (trade fairs, radio, television, press, etc.). We are therefore talking about linear and unidirectional communication where there is no participation on the part of the user. It serves more to influence the traditional purchase decision. In this sense, it is more difficult to measure the results or the impact obtained.

So, when we talk about digital marketing we are talking about the techniques we use online, on social networks, search engines, email marketing, etc.

With this, we develop a communication strategy that is more focused on the user and that helps to make it direct, immediate and more personal. In addition, users can interact and participate in this communication. It serves to create brand trust.

In addition we can measure the results of our action

s with a multitude of tools prepared for this purpose, for example, researching our market (competition and buyer persona), quantifying visits to our traditional website and our conversions or, for example, how many interactions we have on each of our social networks.

Are companies in the sector digitalized?

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and technological companies is higher. On average, production processes are 60% digitalised.

In this case, 9% claim to be 100% digitalized and 15% of those interviewed, above 90% digitalization.

 Have you been able to get the most out of your marketing actions?

All of the interviewees have websites, so we assume that having a company page is nothing new. But do they update their website? How often?

In total, we observed that a total of 27% of companies are not making the most of their digital actions , taking into account those participants who indicated that “their website is not updated”, “they do not know, they do not answer” or “it is updated annually”.

Until 2020, it was essential to work with an annual marketing plan that included the objectives, the main strategy, the marketing actions to be developed and a calendar to carry them out. After the lockdown, 64% of companies say they had to redo their marketing plan , adapting it to the circumstances.

The remaining 36% were able to maintain their marketing plan. We estimate that these are companies that were already working on digital marketing actions.


traditional marketing vs digital marketing

2. The 4 key B2B strategies that companies have opted for in 2021

2.1 Inbound Marketing

It is established as the main strategy, it is about content marketing focused on attracting and capturing contacts of interest for companies. It combines, among others, the planning and launching of Webinars and digital events highly focused on the client.

With no trade fairs this year, almost all companies have had to implement a digital marketing plan. This has meant the creation of new jobs in the areas of marketing and/or the hiring of marketing agencies as partners.

2.2 Social Selling

It has been decided to strengthen this area for customer acquisition when modifying the marketing plan. Its main objective is to be able to train the sales team in order to open new sales channels. In some cases, it has been outsourced.

What is Social Selling? First steps to sell more through social media

2.3 Paid Strategies

In order to attract new contacts through their social networks and thus position their website, companies in the industrial and technological sector have opted to carry out paid campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads or LinkedIn Ads.

In most cases, in 2020, the budget that was initially intended for the organization of Trade Fairs was allocated to SEM campaigns.

2.4 Account Based Marketing

In this case, it is a marketing strategy for companies that are already digitalized and in which marketing and sales work in an aligned manner .

Perhaps, most companies that claim to be working on an ABM strategy may not be generating the expected results , as they are not previously prepared or have solid knowledge.

On the other hand marketing departments have become stronger

and companies have started working with powerful software such as HubSpot or Salesforce to support their digital marketing and sales strategy.

In just one case, the company opted to make cuts and withdraw the budget they had allocated for marketing in 2020.

Want to learn more about ABM? Check out some of our blog posts:

How will ABM help you boost sales quickly when things get back to normal?
How to use ABM to boost your B2B business success
digital marketing vs traditional marketing

Marketing and sales actions and the results they report

Throughout 2020, a year marked by instability and digitalisation, what kind of actions are companies taking?

We were able to see in our report that 79% work on blogs and social networks . Telephone calls have been the option for 76%. We estimate that these are companies with a large sales team, whose main sales channel is company visits. 73% have implemented an email marketing strategy . Precisely, during the lockdown there was such a saturation of company emails that the opening and click rates dropped across the board.

Working on SEO positioning has been the option of 66%. 48% have opted for SEM , traffic and conversion results in the short term. 43% have continued attending (digital) Fairs . This is the only percentage that has been reduced compared to the previous year (73% in the Connext 2020 Report ). 38% have promoted WhatsApp.

Do you want to know how to create a good SEO and SEM strategy?

In addition, 28% have started a Social Selling strategy . This may be due to more digitalized sales teams. 23% are doing Lead Nurturing and 17% of respondents are launching NPS Surveys and Chatbots , enhancing customer service.

Finally, 13% are doing Inside Sales (hiring a digital profile to support their sales team). And 12% have started an Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy .

Download our 2020 State of resources invested. what is being done wrong? Marketing and Sales Digitalization Report:
marketing and sales report 2020

NPS Surveys (0%)
And what happened to the Fairs?

2020 has been the year in which agb directory industrial and technological companies, in the absence of physical fairs, have had to look for other marketing options and opt for a digital plan.

There have been attempts to launch Virtual Fairs, since in the B2B sector, product presentations and demos are essential. Even so, many companies have decided not to participate and redirect their budget to other digital marketing actions.

According to our survey, 74% believe  that, currently, Virtual Fairs are not a valid or effective alternative for their commercial purposes.


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