What should a good .NET developer have?

A few weeks ago we told you what we should take into account when and today we are going to teach you how to distinguish a good .NET developer taking into account their different knowlge and skills.

What is .NET?

.NET is one of the most prominent platforms for software development today. It was creat by Microsoft and allows the creation of any type of application such as web applications or desktop programs, as well as the use of different languages ​​such as C# or Javascript.

The new thing about .NET is the integration of different Microsoft development tools, whether languages, technologies, libraries… which allows the developer to create almost anything.

What are its benefits?

  • Interoperability : you can use the functionalities of other programs that have been develop outside of .NET.
  • Security : The CLR (Common Language Runtime) automatically performs code checks to ensure that the code is secure. In addition, it is possible to apply different levels of security, which will make it possible to have read permissions but not write permissions.
  • Multi-language interoperability : Code can be written in any language, as long as it is compatible with .NET.
  • Garbage collector : is an automatic memory management system offer by the CLR. It detects when the program no longer uses memory and frees it automatically, making the developer’s job easier.
  • The time requir for application development is ruc and maintenance is simplifi , which implies a ruction in costs.

NET Professional Skills and How to Improve Them

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NET supports different programming

Programming languages : As we have mention before, . languages, among which C# stands out as one of the most popular. Knowing other languages ​​such as C++ or J# will help you know which one is best for each project.

Budgeting : Knowing how to create budgets is an add value when launching a new project, as we will be able to know the resources ne to carry it out and the scope it will have. During the creation of the project, it should always be review to ensure that we are not exceing our budget.

Managing time : knowing how to organize yourself to  manage several projects at once is essential when developing in .NET.

Meet deadlines and even being able to

Collaborate : Certain projects require collaboration with other IT professionals, making skills such as listening, delegating and respecting the opinions or ways of working of others essential requirements.

At this point the theory is clear, but  skills?

Our suggestions for this are as follows :

– Take experience into account : feback from colleagues, superiors or users after completing a project serves as a guide to avoid repeating mistakes or improving in some aspects.

– Practice : Regularly reinforcing your techniques will not only help you achieve excellence, but will also tell you which areas you ne to focus on to improve.

How can we improve or acquire these

– Seek help : Finding a professional to teach you and assess your skills will make all the difference. Having someone who google doesn’t want us to use jpeg xl images, but … shares their knowlge and helps you identify areas in which you excel will simplify the learning process. They are also a valuable resource for resolving certain doubts.

– Keep learning : continuing to ucate yourself is essential in development, a world that is constantly changing and evolving. In addition to the more classic ways of taking courses or reading books, you can enrich your skills with other activities: attending events, reading articles, news, blogs or communicating with other developers. All of this will keep you up to date with the latest developments.

Practical knowlge of a .NET professional

Having a solid foundation in .NET or any other technology is the first requirement to be a good developer, but if  latest bulk sms we focus only on .NET it is essential to have knowlge of :

– ASP.NET , Visual Basic or C# .

– Target frameworks such as .NET Standard or .NET Framework.

– SQL . It will allow you to maintain and design a database. We want to highlight this last point, since the technological world is made up of data, so having a command over it will make you an expert developer.

– Generics . To simplify your work , since it allows you to use a method for each type of data you have to send.

Injection design pattern

– Design patterns . They are a support when solving problems. Two of the most us are the Dependency and the MVC pattern .

– Azure DevOps . Knowing this service allows you to plan the project and collaborate with the rest of the team, allowing you to carry out development in a faster and more coordinat way.

NET Libraries

Class libraries, or in other words, the .NET shar library, allows developers to divide functionalities so that they can be us in different applications, and classifies all those that fulfill the same objective within the same namespace.

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